
11.11.15 Merging of Feminine & Masculine Energies

The energy is building up for November 11th, 2015 and I assume you are doing something special with a friend, lover or just by yourself as it is indeed a high energy day. For some of you that don't know I will be having a conference call at 12:30 pm est to do a "talking transmission"  about what are the possibilities of happening to you and those around you, how you should deal with it, and an opportunity for you to ask questions as well.  So now is a time that you can be true to you.

This will be a donation based event.

If you haven't read my last newsletter about 11.11.15 here's the link; Decoding Changes Newsletter
You must register on eventbrite to attend this event as there will be instruction emailed to you.

Facebook invite: CLICK HERE

* Donation based event