
Before and After a Spiritual Awakening

I recently posted on my social media 
"Throwback 13 years ago! My, my how times flies. Pre-awakening!
To all my psychics, intuitive readers and empaths, what do you pick up off of this picture what I was going through. Let's see if you are correct!"

A lot of people wrote that I was sad, searching for love, work or spirituality, pensive, depressed, hurt, struggling with an addiction, lost in life, disappointed, physically and emotionally betrayed, lonely, feeling rejected, heavy hearted, just to name a few.

The truth of the matter was that I was actually the happiest I have been there in a long time. I had an amazing, supportive, loving, open and trust-worthy boyfriend, I was living in a beautiful place, traveling the world, modeling something I wanted to do since I was a little girl, acting here and there, going to school for Communications, healthy, best shape of my life, worry free, having fun, didn't have a care in the world, the only thing I was addicted to was my boyfriend's love and feeling free. But there was obviously something not right and it's quite simple see. It wasn't a conscious thought that I had known then. I wasn't feeling any disapproval of myself, I just was always feeling there was something more to this life, to this reality. 

I always knew that love was the answer and in that love is where the truth resides. I loved myself, to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally. However, I didn't love myself enough to go deep within to release any pain that I had endured throughout my life and to seek my ultimate truth, of which resonates with the entire Universe. Big lofty ideals for a young woman, but 7 years after my pre-awakening photo I had a colossal experience that shifted and changed me physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all energetically. You see we can take a pretty picture and we can blow people away with beauty, but to touch someone energetically is the biggest gift to one another we can give.


Soul Rising Retreat - My First Retreat Upstate, NY

 I am a vessel for source energy which I am able to consciously transmit and share. The energy chooses who will partake in it as well as when and where. While, source energy is always everywhere at all times, it arises as different frequencies within space and time. The sessions I hold introduce frequencies to you in such a way that you experience them directly in a profound and transformative way which is different for everyone. I felt strongly called to hold a gathering immersed in nature and am pleased to announce that my very first retreat will be held on May 29th through June 1st in Upstate New York at the beautiful Menla Center, less than 2 hours from New York City.

Connection to Source Energy

Experience: Purification + Initiation + Mind, Body, Soul Connection
The Sanctuary at the Menla
Val will be having sessions in the rented beautiful space called The Sanctuary Room which sits amongst the trees. This is where you and the group will connect to Source Energy without meditation in a peaceful quiet space. see www.valsecrets.com for more info on the work

Q&A, Group Exercises

Experience: Mind Blocks Release + Mental Transformation
The Sanctuary at the Menla
Val will have group talk with all of you to bring out your mind stuff that needs to let go of. Most of us have patterns and mind blocks of which we do not know of. This will come through in the group setting as we sit in the field after Val has opened up and connected us to Source. We will spend a lot of time in this room.

Hiking in Ancient Land

Experience: Group Trust + Self Exploration + Connection to Earth
Catskill Mountains
Here you will have the opportunity to explore the gorgeous grounds of the Catskill Mountains as well as have an social experience with your fellow Soul Rising Retreaters. With a little Earth's magic to guide us.

Bonfire Ceremony

Experience: Ceremony + Night Stars + Enchantment
Menla Grounds
This is when we will have a beautiful night enjoying a fire pit, connection to the sky and the earth. This is a special add on to the Soul Rising Retreat.

Spiritual Shower

Experience: Renewal + Earth's Magic
Catskill Mountains
This is an ancient ceremonial tradition that can only be done by an initiate. This is for Gaia to protect you from spirits that do not serve you.
Many see mermaids in the rivers when they do this ceremony.

Sweat Lodge

Experience: Social Emersion + Body Release
Menla Grounds
A dome shaped hut made with natural materials, used by North American Indians for ritual steam baths as a means of purification. This is a special add on for the Soul Rising Retreat.


Experience: Relaxation + Freedom
Menla Grounds + Outskirts
Through the retreat you will surely be able to have "You Time". This is a perfect opportunity to Explore the 360 acres of Property. You can do the following; Take Naps, Spa Treatments, Play Tennis, Fitness Center, Book Store, Cafe, Swimming, Short Hikes, Go Into Town. This is also a great time to meditate, write in journal, do artist works. (Spa Treatments are per appointment - See Menla's Website- http://menla.org/spa )

☥ One of the activities we will be doing is the Bonfire Ceremony at the Soul Rising Retreat ➼ Experience: Ceremony + Night Stars + Enchantment ★ ☆ ✮ This is when we will have a beautiful night enjoying a fire pit, connection to the starry sky, moon and the earth. Beyond words really. ☽ 

*This is a special add on to the Soul Rising Retreat. ☥