
My Session at Portal of Love at the Museum of Sex in NYC

For those of you who don't know exactly what I do, here is a good visual of what I do.

This was filmed at the Portal of Love Event at the Museum of Sex in NYC at midnight. It was a powerful night for me as the energy already started to come through around 6pm and cooled down around 6am. You will see some people fall back instantly and others don't. The reason one falls back is because they are in contact with source energy, universal god energy, and you may also call it divine energy. I am a conduit for the energy to go through and so when I touch the person their mind shuts off and their soul is in control. The reason why they are laying there so still is because they are experiencing what I like to call home, where we all come from, what we are all made of. The only reason why one would get up and not take it in is because their mind blocks the energy from flowing. One that allows for the connection is literally pinned down to the floor with pure love energy. When one allows for the connection anything and everything is possible in that field of energy; healing, releases, "supernatural" experiences, and so much more. There is so much more to it, but I suppose I can always explain it in person at a session. Maybe I will see you soon.. ;)

Sit back and feel through this video.. not with your mind, but with your heart.

You can always look through this website for more information on my work.


  1. Sei diventata un fenomeno paranormale!

  2. Could you please do an entire weekend event of this (people falling back being filled with source energy)? If so please post in advance on Facebook so that I can sign up! Thank you for listening <3
