
Why I Don't Watch The News

This post may come across as absurd but to some it might actually open your mind. Here is my take and feeling on the News in the Media -  I don't watch it, I don't read it. Perhaps this may sound close minded to some or naive to others or most, but it doesn't matter. I have many reasons why I don't watch the News, for one it's always bad news in which it disturbs my whole being. Now you say, that is so self-centered. Actually yes it is. My whole world is right here, me, my daughter my family and that is the most important news to me.

In the past before we had Televisions, News Papers, the Internet we had news and it was always there through local word of mouth. Some were even psychic and would tell the leader of the community their visions as they were not taken lightly. The point is, before the New Age of technology we were effected by local news and local news only. We, Humanity had no clue what the Saudi's were doing, and probably not even what the rest of the country were doing. We didn't care what was going on until we had to deal with it personally. Now one can argue that even something happening across the ocean does now effect you. Yes, perhaps, but most likely Not. Most of the problems are all tied to people's money. Are we really attached to our money that much that we are willing to relinquish our happiness? It seems so. So many of us have anxiety, panic attacks, depression, anger issues, amongst other more serious mental disturbances due to the anxieties of the media, the News. This is why so many turn to gossip magazines so we can take our minds off of worldly problems and sink our mind into nonsense that doesn't effect our life at all, along with reality shows, tv series, movies, etc.

Think about this whole terrible cycle we are creating into the collective consciousness as it's become a disease in itself to be addicted to The News and we know that the News doesn't mean good news. It may give you a speck of it, to then give you a story of more terrible bad news. To be even more controversial, The News isn't giving you what is 100% true anyway, so why watch it? 

I was never one to follow the herd, so it comes easy for me to not watch The News. If you tried it for just a month or so, I bet you will feel some sort of relief in just that small amount of time.

Sending you all much love.

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