
How to Attract a Virgo Man

Virgo is an Earth Sign which means he is attracted to someone that is grounded and is supportive.

Virgo man is the sign of independence. He loves to build and do things on his own without the help of others. He is the type of guy that left his parents house early and rarely asks for help from his friends, he rather give the help.

He is very organized and analytical person at work and sometimes at home. However, if he feel s like his life isn’t organized overall he feels very off kilter and it shows in his physical appearance. To a
certain degree he is a perfectionist.

Virgo’s like to think things through, like; this fits in this type of logic. So if you can try to help him out by organizing his bills or  home he will think you’re amazing.

Virgo men have an affinity towards the water; boating, fishing, and swimming. They love vacations that involve being on the water or being close to water. Therefore if you could book a vacation like that he will never forget it.

The Virgo man is very rational to the point that he rather take a job that pays the bills and gives him stability then to take a risk with being an entrepreneur. If you could encourage his ideas and
inspirations he will feel that support and seek it through.

Virgos are very blunt. He will tell you how it is. If it’s time for a new haircut, he will tell you just that. You can’t be sensitive to Virgo’s candidness; you have to see it that he keeps it honest.

Virgo guy always pictures a fairytale girl that he will end up with. He isn’t much into looks, because personality is what charms Virgos. He becomes so passionate towards you when he feels comfortable around you. The easiest way to turn on a Virgo is act like you are family.

Virgo’s tend to be very polite and even kilter. Therefore, don’t curse or start screaming at a Virgo. He will tell you he’s going for a walk and don’t expect him to come back home in a rush. He prefers not to have the drama.

Virgo’s like women who are sexy in a conservative way, as they tend to get jealous. You don’t want to get a Virgo jealous as they get really angry and it will take time to cool him down.

If you want to seduce him, look at him in the eye with a deep calm
stare. He will feel a deep mysterious connection that will make him
want to explore for more.

photo credit: http://www.talismancoins.com

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