
#1 Spiritual Blog

So many of us are looking for guidance to better our lives; Friends, teachers, gurus, priests, rabbis, life coaches, motivational speakers, psychics, etc, you get the idea.

We are always looking outside of ourselves for the answers, but no one knows the answer for yourself better than you.

From my own personal experiences, I have come to realization that no matter what people tell you; wise ones, old ones, qualified ones, they will never be able to tell you exactly what is right for you. How can they? They aren't you. They don't know what it means to be you. No one can. So, what makes them qualified to give you guidance or advice for that matter? You, Soul You, is your highest and most wisest navigator, guru, guide. The problem is that most of us don't know what that means. How do we know when you are following your soul guidance? Easy, you are doing exactly what you are doing. That is exactly how you are follow your soul guidance. You say, but sometimes I feel like I make the wrong decision? Who said it's wrong? You, your parents, or even better the motivational speaker? In life there are no wrong decisions, only right ones. Every decision one makes can only lead you to what your soul destiny is. Every choice you make is a choice that your soul desires to live out, trust that. Even if the decision you made seems harsh, challenging, painful, and even down right chaotic it's Still is the right decision. The reason it's the right decision is because it's exactly what you needed to experience, and most of all, hopefully, to learn a soul lesson. And if you didn't learn your lesson making that decision, you will eventually get the same experience again and again until you actually have learnt the lesson. This is why many people keep dating the same kind of people over and over again, but the one that breaks the cycle of total disasters in your life is the one person who was different from your exes.

With that said, life is a dance. Many of us depending on dancing with someone else, but life can only truly be danced if you are dancing to your own rhythm and that cannot be taught. Only you are the master of your own rhythm, so honor your rhythm of life.

Everyone who has had success or experimental resolve in their lives love to teach others their practice, but at the end of the day, that is their practice that works for them, it doesn't mean that it's the right practice or teachings for you.

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