
ValSecrets.com 2015 New Design

My daughter sitting on top of the table to see what I am working on. She knows when Mommy is on the computer, "Mommy do working". 

So what am I working on? 

Just like when you redecorate your house, because it's time for a fresh new look and feel. Well, ValSecrets.com is like my home of which I invite you to. For 2015 I decided to redecorate!

For me everything is connected. My passions are all connected; family, nature, art, community and my work.

My blog is basically my diary. I like to write very personally. I never write about something that I cannot relate to or I have no expertise in. I write what I live and know that comes from an inner wisdom. Hence, in my blog you will find stories about my experiences with living in higher consciousness as well as shopping with my daughter for some chocolate. At first I was a bit hesitant about posting about either one and this is why I didn't write on my blog for a long time. I waited for the inspiration to come, but I realized that there is nothing more passionate to me than my family and consciousness. This mix may not appeal to the masses but I am ahead of my time, and I have always been.

This website is to showcase my work and my personal life how they kiss and hug each other. I live a conscious life and a life full of awareness because I am in that space at all times. My world may not seem so different from yours, because I am still human, in which I need to do human things. And my day to day activities are not so different from yours which is how you can relate to me. However, my state of consciousness is heightened being able to see auras, tap into akashic records, experience higher dimensions, etc, etc, etc. It's a unique way of living from the average human being. However, we are all capable to have these abilities. It's just a matter of time for all of us. My blog is a diary of my inner and outer experiences of which I hope it inspires you to connect to that higher frequency of which we call LOVE. 

I have a lot of work to do, most importantly to be a Mother, Wife, then a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Aunt and finally a conduit to source for you.

I hope you enjoy the new website and my personal blog - my heart and soul is poured into it daily.

Enjoy and Share 


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