
Accessing the Past and the Future

Most have a perception of which we only have access to time of the now, but in truth we have access to time like a filmstrip of past, present, and future. We can view and experience any event on the filmstrip of time, we just have to learn how to take our consciousness there. I have experience this many, many times in the past three years.

In the Universal Law there is no time, there are events and we organize them in our mind as past, present and future. This is why a child under the age of two is so joyful and not pensive as they cannot access time as we do. After you are two years old a being starts to perceive time. I say perceive because that is basically what it is, it is only a perception of what your mind understands. However, if you allow your consciousness to open it's awareness than your perception widens and see's no time. Many enlightened one's can go into this state, as myself, but you cannot sustain your life by not being timely. For an example you cannot make an appointment if you do not allow your perception to narrow and see the time.  Therefore what I do is I allow my perception to zoom in and out of this "time frame" which allows me to do human things on the 3rd Dimensional frequency of the planet. 

However, when I zoom out, widen my awareness I can tap into the "time frame", "film strip" and look at what we call time, events. All the events are in an order, but not numbered see. What I may see as the past is also the present. All events are actually present. However, our mind's perception organizes as such in a way that seems to be past, present and future. 

Hence, to tap into the past or future is quite simple see. First one must expand their awareness by being still in their mind and centered in their hearts. Doing this allows your field to expand, your aura and creates an antenna, to the frequency of the source, God, I like to call it God Field. When you do this you are tapping into the truth and not some delusion in your mind. Remember, you are not accessing anything outside of you, but it's all-  you. 

Once you are in this state of being, you allow and direct your consciousness to events starting with present events, going back into your past events into detail and then allow it to flow through to your past lives or future. Many do this while under hypnosis, but you do not have to be hypnotized to do this. You can simply do this in a state of peace. Don't allow your mind to make up stories, as it's important to be centered in your heart and have a still mind.

Life is one long meditation afterall.


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