
The Secrets of the Universe

        In 2008 I adopted a puppy, Bebe who's innocent pure eyes inspired me to ask her "what are the secrets of the world?".  Somehow through her purity I felt like she knew.

I am not here to focus my life on material comforts and/ or goal orientated towards occasions of graduation,  marriage,  and have kids.  When you pass on through the light,  those are not what goes with you. What does go with you is your soul. Your soul is brought on this planet and given a life to reach liberation.  Liberation is a term which means you are liberating yourself, your soul from the matrix of your skewed reality. Sometimes called awakening, enlightenment, self-realization, or simply seeing what is absolutely True.

This is the universal goal to one's life existence. Consequently, no one can work towards it, it comes to you or not.

Those who do experience liberation are not "chosen" its just that your soul just needs to go through past life karma of which you need to clear out in this life.
"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Jesus Christ

I've was told that every soul that ever has lived a life, is living one now and now is a special time of which many will go through the threshold of the next wave of a spiritual golden age for humanity and earth. This time is called "Universal Reincarnation".

This is a very important time of which you see many of your friends and family "lighting up".
They are becoming spiritual, not religious,  but spiritual in which they listen to their soul and follow their soul guidance of which is the connection to what some call God, the Universe, the all encompassing creator.

Some of you are starting to realize the corrupt system we live in and how it all is connected to not just money, but spiritual power.

This is what I call,  the spark of an awakening.

To realize that of which all systems of political governments,  corporations,  wall street, media, nasa, not to mention any organized religion is a corrupt system that leads you away from universal truth.
Universal truth is the law of one, the law of love. 
There is nothing above this.

And when one realizes this on a very deep soul level,  then you indeed know the secrets of the world.
I live an earthy life of which I love, of its beautiful and painful lessons.  I see my experience in this lifetime as Valerie Marie Tignini as a ride, of which I watch now through a wide angle, clear lense. I understand each lesson deeply, why I had to experience it and how it brought me to this point.  I am not at the end of the rope for I still have much to realize.

I have been welcomed to the world of spirit,  but I have not graduated yet.
And through my human experiences of being a daughter, sister, Mother, partner, friend,  I am challenged with the divine interactions that play a role in my understanding of self. But I must do the work, work through my soul purpose and live my life in truth - that vibrates to the universe - the vibrating of love. To live loving and having compassion for all family, friends, animals,  enemies, earth. You cannot turn your back to this as you understand that they all make up the fabric that which we are all connected to, that I like to call The God Field.

And only then you can see,  "I am, that I Am".

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