
What is Karma And How Does It Work? Karma Doesn't Exist ...

I have started a new youtube series called "Conversations with Abdy". I sit with Abdy and discuss what many people have questions about. This conversation is asking Abdy what is Karma. Abdy says, there is no such thing as karma. Watch and feel it through if this resonates..



Soul Rising Session in Soho

Last night, before the session began I started to tell everyone that I may speak or even sing during the session (of which I normally don't do). And so with that said, 20-30 minutes into the session I started to sing. Now I have a mediocre singing voice but when I sing in the field of source energy my voice soars to new heights and my soul voice comes through. I sing in tones and in Universal soul language which allows for me to speak to all that attend the session soul to soul. The singing and toning carries the frequencies of the source energy through one's body, ears, vibrating through their soul's and the experience for each person is different. 

I also had other new ascended activations/upgrades for myself during and after this session, with self realizations as well. It's always a beautiful process of transformations and it's not over til it's truly over, long after death of the body. 

There was other sweet synchronicities like my co-creator in our new documentary printed out 22 release forms when he should have printed 30 and I laid at first 16 mats then adding 6 more mats right before I started the session just because I had a feeling more people would trickle in. And they did trickle in, a few 15 min past 7pm, 25 min, and even 1hr later all ending up to be 22 people.  

Those are just some of the "coincidences" that happened that evening.

I will be sharing more about the experiences in my new documentary film called "Absolutely". You can find us on Facebook for now, https://www.facebook.com/AbsolutelyTheFilm

As I told everyone at the session and I've said this many times before, "when you connect to source it's like the peeling of the onions, you get through the layers every time you attend a session". Therefore, it's a process that shouldn't end at the spark of connection, it's only the beginning!

Giving the transmission of source energy

                                                               Singing soul language

                                                                    Focused Transmission

                                              My little protege at 4 years old, Fiona.

                          Throwing  "the magic" on everyone, as Fiona would say.