
How to Attract a Gemini Man

Gemini's are an Air Sign which are attracted to multifaceted people.

If you are multifaceted you are showing a Gemini man that you like to mix it up, just like he does. But don't be confused or indecisive
because Gemini's gravitate towards a woman who has control over her
life. Even though Gemini men seek adventure, they truly enjoy the
space of their home which is what keeps a Gemini grounded. However,
don't suffocate or overwhelm him, you will just turn him off. There is
a balance with Gemini of being best friends and lovers, but also being
able to have your individual time alone.

Gemini connect with you through their words and communication. Their
instincts are driven by their mind, rather than their heart or gut.
Gemini's need to understand who you are through talking and if he
finds what you say interesting and vice versa then he wants to spend
more time with you.

He needs someone that accompanies his lifestyle and interest. Gemini's
get bored easily, so he needs a woman that is dynamic and enjoys the
different interests and passions in his life. He doesn't really go for
'looks' he rather be with someone that can keep him on his toes.

Gemini men are very good with children and animals. Gemini men are
very child-like in their demeanor as they look innocent. This
child-like characteristic is how they see the world through their
eyes. They see good in people until they are proven wrong. Gemini
gravitate to people who are 'broken', that is why children and animals
are their refuge because they are pure. If you can have the same
outlook as the Gemini man does, he will think highly of you. However
he does appreciate your keen sense for pushing away negative people
from him and your family.

Everyone loves a Gemini man. He has a ton of friends and loves to help
everyone around him. Sometimes his time runs short for you because he
wears himself thin, but if you ask more time from him he will give it
you. If he's ready to be in a serious relationship he will appreciate
you asking for more time. They like women who are witty in their
flirting, rather than aggressive.

Gemini men are ready to marry when they feel that their life situation
is stable, which may include his career, home, finances. He is also
driven by the fact that he wants to build a family, because it's
important to him to have a home full of action.

A Gemini man hides his sex drive very well, but in the bedroom he's
full of passion and sensuous desires. It's important to him that you
can 'keep up with him'.

The Gemini man likes a woman who dresses classy, but with a flair of
trend and sass. He also prefers a woman who doesn't wear too much
makeup, but a little is OK.

To flirt or seduce a Gemini , show strong eye contact or be open and
honest about your words. He can sense your closeness. The more you
open up, the more he will be interested.

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